Speak, gently, seriously, briefly and reasonably.

The ancient ” rule”  really meaning ” guide” that St Benedict of Nursia wrote for the community of monks is a practical guide in how to live in community.

Especially now more than ever, when the higher-ups in our nation seek to divide us we must be diligent to remain united.

The chapter on humility  of Benedict’s Rule offers much guidance for anyone looking to conduct themselves with humility.

This morning, as I was praying, I felt led to look up to see what St Benedict has to say regarding the practice of humility. The following quote struck me:

“The eleventh step of humility is that we speak gently and without laughter, seriously and with becoming modesty, briefly and reasonably, but without raising our voices, as it is written ‘_The wise are known by few words_’ ‘

{ Rule, Chapter 7}

While we are called to hold public officers accountable for their actions and words,  it is counterproductive for us to use angry, abrasive words.  Too often it is tempting to get into shouting matches with people  {especially on social media }whose views are completely opposite of our own. Yet when we engage with others in this way: nothing changes. 

As Best Dude is fond of saying ” Talk is cheap”.  I might add that talk is further cheapened when people choose to yell at each other rather than sit together and have honest dialogue.

To be honest, I used to be one of those flamers. Every day I would repost every meme I saw that desecrated DJT. However, it was pointed out to me that if truth isn’t spoken in LOVE, than it is not the way of Christ.  While several spots in the Gospels show Jesus calling out the political powers that be of His time, He did so in a way that made His opponents stop and LISTEN.

In the past year, I’ve learned a lot about communication styles. There are people in my life who can communicate their ideas and emotions  gently, seriously, briefly and modestly. What I notice is: when these people communicate an idea , people stop and listen to what they say.

St Benedict also said: ‘”Listen with the ear of your heart”

Listen, and then speak.

Before speaking : THINK

Is what you are about to say True ?

Is it Helpful ?

Is it Important ?

Is it really Necessary ?

Is it Kind ?

Effective  communication, especially now, can be done painlessly and effectively if we all are mindful of our words.

I’m a work-in-progress, &  learning how to control my speech every day. Sometimes I’ll see a  meme that makes me laugh and I’ll think : “… just this ONCE I’ll post the angry meme— after all I am still no fan of DJT.” But then I am reminded of the power of words. Since I really am not an angry person, I do not wish to be perceived as one with anger issues.





Mindfulness works in all of life.
